Feb 22, 2018
We chat CSS Keyloggers and are not worried. Careful what you put into securityheaders.io. Is your Password in the list of 500 million known passwords? And you can't chat with Peter without a Disney sidetrack.
Feb 17, 2018
iFixit and the iPhone X Teardown, Consumer Reports is now adding Security and Privacy into their electronic device ratings, Telegram has a Zero-day vulnerability due to a Right-to-Left Unicode character and Salon.com wants to mine cryptocurrencies in exchange for viewing their website. Jon talks about building a...
Feb 9, 2018
Carl talks meltdown/spectre from the trenches. Jon fawns over the Falcon Heavy launch. Eric yaps about Right to Repair and Hacking John Deere tractors. Carl wants an alarm clock, buys an Alexa - its all downhill from there, and it is Cedric's fault.
Feb 2, 2018
Jon's roof doesn't collapse. Eric talks about a moon and snow caving. Then they actually talk about security stuff. Sorta. Thoughts on Chronicle, Alphabet's now named security company. Then, is there a solution for the AWS IAM permissions? And "Jackpotting" ATMs is the new thing in the US (Yay! WinXP!). Finally, Eric...