Sep 28, 2019
Eric's on the road and under the weather; Jon has had better weekends. Apple's opening up the repair envelope, and the Internet is a Low Trust Society. Paper's not private, and IBM talks about malware targeting routers. For fun, Eric likes Echo .* and Jon evidently likes Goddard [Institute|Futuristics].
Sep 20, 2019
This Week: Space Stuff, Data leaks in Ecuador, More Space Stuff, Something about where your car is, and Password Managers are Software, too. Wait, we're not done. Do you know what you're phone is doing? Soviet Soldiers Dancing and 3D Dominos, and finally, you will find out where Greater Adria went.
Sep 14, 2019
Sep 7, 2019
Kids are back in school! Chainsaw carving. iOS exploit explanations. Realtime audio deepfakes. Ransomware isn't going anywhere. Google Play apps on HackerOne. Developing Modern Applications. A crossword game with regex. Tensorflow compilers.