Jan 25, 2020
There's a fire at the High School and Eric drives to Eugene. Jon doesn't remember his weekend but extolls the virtues of ditching the Costanza Wallet. More notes on the Windows Vulnerability with a great McAfee article on the math behind it. (Obligatory Note: More lost credentials!) Finally, an SML Illusion, US Flag...
Jan 17, 2020
Back from Texas, and presumably done with brisket for a while. What to look for in a tractor (repairability). A billion medical images can't be wrong, lax cookies, and Super Patch Tuesday. Eric's fun is an AI Dungeon, and Jon points to a LoTR blog by Ian McKellen.
Jan 10, 2020
Live, frome Plano, Texas! It's Mostly Security! Much brisket is consumed and Raj Samani joins the show. What happens to your digital life once you or a loved one has passed on? Is the public ready to embrace security as a marketing feature? Raj tells a joke, Eric shares admin thoughts, and Jon reminisces about old...
Jan 4, 2020
Eric and Jon discuss the holiday; an exposed elastic search instance, and a Wawa-winner of the gas station Visa article. What is a Quine, anyway? Restaurant chain Landry's breached from loyalty systems, data cars collect, and how to perform a reverse image search. For fun we have creative ways to exit VI, the oldest...