Jun 26, 2020
Father's Day ramblings, more magecart madness, and setup your MFA before the bad guys do it for you. Safe Browsing bug and printers exposing themselves. A rickroll, a basketball, and Smallville.
Jun 20, 2020
Games, networks, filtering, and bees to start. Jon did a quantum podcast, Excalidraw is cool, and Words Matter. Ripple20 has only 19 vulns (Intel's affected), phishing private notes for bitcoin, and theft of a master key. For fun try Inspriobot, read More Pages Than You Want about programming languages, and enjoy Space...
Jun 13, 2020
Jon breaks Big News on the Podcast. Eric Plays Video Games. Patch Tuesday says Super Size Me. Apple says Let's Help a Password Manager out. Honda says Hold Up a Minute. SGAxe says Hello (No relation to the body spray). Eric Doodles while Jon Noodles on his Network. Finally, Ty says Thank You, Germany...
Jun 6, 2020
Rough week for so many people. #BlackLivesMatter. Talk to your kids. Protest. Donate [time|money|both]. In the security world, the iOS Jailbreak is patched, there's a big Thai cell provider leak, a vulnerability in Sign in with Apple is fixed, and one of the largest dark web hosting providers is taken offline. For fun...