Jul 29, 2022
Jon and Eric were unable to connect this week - so Eric takes a look back at a few of the "Something Fun" topics over the last several years. Enjoy!
Jul 23, 2022
Jon is in Germany touring cathedrals and Eric is unable to spend money. Cybersecurity apprenticeship programs, Rust-based ransomware and yet another breach. Eric finds hacking fly brains interesting and Jon admires Reims Cathedral.
Jul 15, 2022
Eric enjoying summer and Jon stressed out. Honda key fobs vulnerable to replay attacks, if you mine bitcoin in texas you're cut off, and how to sell a billion dollars in fake Cisco hardware. And (drumroll....) the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope are in, and they're stunning. Enjoy!
Jul 9, 2022
Eric has a rollercoaster week, Jon counts his bees. Instagram is a ghost, North Korea adds targets to ransomware attacks, and Lawyers hire hackers to get information for litigation. Eric share Absurd Trolley Problems and Jon asserts Code is Just.
Jul 1, 2022
Eric feeling better and reading more, Jon fighting squirrels and bees. Are mass resignations incoming? How about some job applicants using Deepfakes then. The price of bitcoin may be hurting North Korea, and if you own the webview you can extract critical data. For fun we have a media hat trick: a podcast (The Joy of...