Jan 28, 2023
Eric's kitchen is (finally!) complete, and hell froze over as he bought a (Windows) PC. Jon gets to (finally!) hear Itzhak Perlman after the concert gets delayed since covid. Malware using Android devices to hack wifi hotspots, a VAST ad fraud takedown, and a financial transaction surveillance program that is...
Jan 21, 2023
Eric has a new car he admires from afar and revisits his Hash/Check app. Jon doesn't do much beyond reading and, something something, peaches. GTP3 takes away phishing indicators. AWS Cloudtrail IAM bypass exposed. Eric ponders poorly photoshopped cats and Jon appreciates shellsplaining...
Jan 14, 2023
Eric has another fabulous week, and Jon ... also has a week. Eric's done with his Van Gogh Lego and both get to watch Harry Potter and the OR Symphony. Slack attempts to hide its breach disclosure from indexing, Apple isn't exactly transparent when it finds malware on a device, and an app to coordinate law...
Jan 7, 2023
The holidays are over and its back to work. Eric talks about using facial recognition to deny paying customers entry to entertainment and cheating your Tesla on the autobahn. Jon chats package oopsies with PyTorch updates and hacked Google Home devices. Eric finds science immitating art in the atmosphere while Jon makes...