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Jon and Eric have worked in the security space for more years than they care to count. From commentary on current events to random musings, they chat (mostly) about security and technology topics. However, life is more than just the day job. From beekeeping adventures to hiking mountains to favorite shows, there's always something fun to wrap up the show. Opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of their employer, friends, neighbors, or even each other.  

Oct 25, 2024

Jon installs an automatic chicken door, Eric does some more 3D printing. Quick update on a SIM swap hack while checking in on the EU throwing a hand grenade at software liability and apparently people are wardriving for Redbox kiosks. Eric shares a shameless plug for a friend's Kickstarter. Jon goes old school with...

Oct 20, 2024

Eric pays to recycle and Jon has much ado about not very much. How to break RSA with D-Wave, North Korea gets job applicants to install malware as part of coding tests, and Cloudflare stops a 3.8Tbps DDoS attack. For fun we have King the Land, a Korean rom-com, and two pioneers of machine learning get the Nobel prize in...

Oct 12, 2024

Eric has no rhythm and went for a hike, Jon works on luxury apartments for chickens. License plate readers see more than just license plates. Smart glasses make doxxing super easy. Eric eyeballs an incoming solar storm while Jon drops in on a treasure hunt.

Oct 5, 2024

Jon builds an arbor and rents a bull (?) and Eric does driving for styrofoam recycling. Meta fined for storing passwords in plaintext, Google continues its march against passwords, remote controlling any kia just from its license plate, and Kaspersky swaps itself out in the US. For fun we have the largest mapped brain...